Over the last several years, my heart has periodically wandered
through the wasteland of blessing-guilt.
Each withering would reach its peak during the early weeks of December
and again in late April, just as Bob and I were making plans to go Christmas
and birthday shopping for the triplets.
Remorse would parch my heart dry as I admitted that so much needed to be
heaved and so little needed to be received.
Despite the recent economic turmoil and our one-income situation, we somehow
have enough “stuff” to easily outfit 2 families. And in spite of the fact that
nothing really was needed, we’d cobble
together a list of “he’d really enjoy another of this” and “she would love
another of those” and off to the mall we’d go.

In reality, mandatory closet-cleanings and nagging recriminations
do nothing to assuage the blessing-guilt and do even less to foster generosity or
stewardship in children’s hearts. To the
contrary, advancing a lack-mindedness in our homes achieves the opposite as
children adopt fear and condemnation as the basis of their feelings about the sowing
and harvesting of blessings. It’s a
truth that the Holy Spirit has been cultivating in me lately as I’m seeking to better
model the right frame of mind on the matter.
Do you struggle in this area of life, too? Here are some considerations for dealing with
the issue of blessing-guilt in our homes.
First, remember that earthly parents create children’s first
impressions about supply. Before
children can understand how to Biblically relate to their Heavenly Father, they
spend many years observing and absorbing the relationship with their mom and dad. If the supply model given to them hinges on
fear (“I don’t know how we’re going to pay these bills”) or guilt (“we can’t
take a vacation this year because we’re paying for your braces”), then children
will have a difficult time making the supply transition in their relationship
with God when their needs go beyond clean underwear and a packed lunch. Instead of a peaceful, confident relationship
with their Father, they’ll approach the throne fearing that God might not be
able to supply a fix to the bully problem at school. If they feel guilty about going to Him with
another request, they might avoid asking Him altogether for help in overcoming
a bad habit they’ve started.
What a devastating blow to the kingdom is a fearful or guilt-focused
child of God! Not only does it cripple
the life of the believer, it stops the flow of blessing that God promises to multiply
into many lives through that single trusting appeal for supply. (2 Cor. 9:8-11)
Instead of promoting these
characteristics of lack, I’m learning to encourage my children to believe 2 key
attributes about their Heavenly Father. Phillipians
4:19: “My God shall supply ALL your needs according to His riches in glory by
Jesus Christ” and Romans 8:1: “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those
who are in Christ Jesus.” Peaceful,
confident children blossom from thankful
into cheerful givers far stronger than those who are bound by worry
and regret.

First, God delights in
providing for us. (Ps. 84:11) It’s not a
burden for Him to be asked time and again to come alongside when we are lacking. His Son paid a very heavy price to provide us
access to that supply; for the Father to then deny us would make a mockery of
Jesus’ sacrifice. Secondly, because God’s
reservoir is endless, He never has to
bless me at the expense of another. (Prov. 10:22) The answers to my needs are
already created and set aside in a storehouse available for me to receive. God isn’t dipping into someone else’s storehouse
to supply me. Thirdly, God isn’t stingy in His giving; often He
will oversupply so that we have resources to bless others with. (Matt. 14:20) It’s the enemy’s plan to teach us to expect
limits or partial supply or even poverty as the design for our lives. But a fresh revelation of Grace (Jesus
qualifying us for the blessings of Heaven based solely on His payment at
the cross) broke me out of the prison of fear and guilt and allowed me to
approach the throne with confidence in my Father’s love. With that redeemed outlook, I dug into the
Scriptures with enthusiasm to see what I had been missing. Verses like Matthew 7:7 and Matthew 21:22
filled me with expectation instead of confusion and my quiet time with the Lord
became an exciting way to start each day.
Now that my children are beginning to delve into their relationship with
God, my goal is to guide them into an early understanding of His ever-giving
heart. The world will present them with
many opportunities to experience lack, but they’ll know their Father will
always provide for their needs, with plenty extra to share with others.
3. Finally, what to do
about those nagging cycles of blessing-guilt that we experience when intersecting
with our materialistic culture? You know the kind…regret over buying another
package of Squinkies instead of canned goods for the food pantry or shame that
another Lego creation sits in the playroom while the missionary fund at church
is running on empty. When reflecting on
whether we’ve veered into excess or lost sight of stewardship, a child of God
will sense two responses: the voice of condemnation and the voice of
redirection. The voice of condemnation is easy to hear. It’s hard and pointed, like someone poking
their finger of accusation in our chest, reminding us of all the ways we’ve
fallen short in our walk with the Lord and scoffing at our successes in
generous living as “not nearly enough.” (Rev. 12:10) The other voice is gentle, patient and often
shouted down by the enemy so strenuously that we miss the voice of the Spirit
altogether. Elijah describes it as still
and small (1 Kings 19:12). I’ve also
heard the Spirit described as “gentlemanly”, never rude or abrasive.
From experience, we all know that a squeaky wheel gets the most
attention and that applies to the voice of condemnation as well. But we
must remember, in those moments of false indictment, that discerning the Holy
Spirit’s voice is our calling. It is the voice we must hush the world to
hear. The Spirit will never use fear
or guilt to accomplish a change of heart because there simply is no
condemnation designated for those justified by the blood of the Lamb (Romans
8:1). Just as the Father will never deny
us something that Jesus paid to provide, the Spirit will never support judgment
against a child who was freed by the payment of the cross. (John 14:16) When He sees that we have
wandered away from the path of stewardship and have started to spend our
resources recklessly, He works as the Good Shepherd to redirect us back to the
fold in ways that are loving and gracious.
Hearing the still, small voice requires purposeful choices…setting aside
time to read God’s Word daily, chewing it over through the day so that we extract
all the wisdom it contains, rejecting competing voices and emotions that try to
snuff out our growing trust and peace in God’s love for us. As we make these choices, we’ll find that
those journeys through blessing-guilt become short-lived and infrequent. With
lack-mindedness rooted out, long stretches of thanksgiving and confidence in
the Lord’s supply will grow and that in turn will seed new desires to live
generously and mindfully about our blessings.
In my own life, blessing-guilt still ambushes me from time to
time, whether it’s shopping for school clothes or planning the family
vacation. The devil never tires of
trying to drag us back into the wasteland of anxiety and regret where he can
sap the joy of life in Christ from our hearts.
Thankfully, I’m learning to identify the pitfalls of lack-mindedness and
am filling them in with the promises given in the Word instead. As I focus on the Spirit’s quiet guidance,
meditate on the abundant life that Jesus provides and teach my children to rest
peacefully in their Father’s love for them, good fruit is beginning to grow. As a
family, we’re enjoying life unburdened by fear, worry or guilt. That alone is a tremendous blessing in these
turbulent times! And instead of hearts
withering by the scorch of blessing-guilt, ours are growing evergreen with a
desire to graciously receive and cheerfully give.
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